In order to fully understand the historical context of the conversation we had with Professor Oiyan Poon about affirmative action and the recent hearings before the supreme court, it might behoove folks to look at this series of short interviews conducted by author Jeff Chang and members of his old UC Berkeley based organization, Student Coalition for Fair Admissions… The organization was founded almost 30 years ago, and its mission was to fight for Affirmative Action and show the ways Asian Americans were being discriminated against that name has now been hijacked and is being used by individuals like conservative and anti-affirmative action crusader Richard Blum.. Peep the vignettes attached to Chang’s IG page-
With regards to our conversation with Professor Poon, she details the current political landscape and notes how the Asian community is being used and even made to be the face of the campaign to end affirmative action while there are no Asian folks speaking before the court as witnesses or advocates calling for this policy to be shut down. If anything, Asian Americans have been speaking and pushing to keep Affirmative Action going…
She talks about the recent protests in front of the Supreme Court and talks about the far-reaching implications this ruling can have, including ending classes that deal with ethnic studies, Black studies etc
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